How to Get Babies for Player Owned Farm Rs3

This is a quick reference page for the thespian-owned farm with various information tables and not all the additional text effectually them.

Growth stages and breeding rates [edit | edit source]

Animal Time per phase Breeding info
Egg to babe Baby to boyish Adolescent to adult Adult to elderberry Total time to elder Breeding rate Success rate Boilerplate rate
Rabbits N/A 12 minutes 21 minutes 27 minutes 60 minutes (1h) 5 minutes 40% 12m
Chickens 25 minutes 37.5 minutes 75 minutes 112.v minutes 250 minutes (4h 10m) fifty minutes 45% 1h 57m
Chinchompas N/A 504 minutes (8h 24m) 882 minutes (14h 42m) 1134 minutes (18h 54m) 2520 minutes (42h) 150 minutes (2h 30m) lx% 4h 42m
Sheep Due north/A 24 minutes 42 minutes 54 minutes 120 minutes (2h) 100 minutes (1h 40m) 45% 3h 55m
Spiders 150 minutes (2h 30m) 225 minutes (3h 45m) 450 minutes (7h 30m) 675 minutes (11h 15m) 1500 minutes (25h) 180 minutes (3h) l% 6h 33m
Zygomites North/A 1008 minutes (16h 48m) 1764 minutes (29h 24m) 2268 minutes (37h 48m) 5040 minutes (84h) 500 minutes (8h 20m) seventy% 13h 20m
Cows Northward/A 72 minutes (1h 12m) 126 minutes (2h 6m) 162 minutes (2h 42m) 360 minutes (6h) 300 minutes (5h) 70% 8h
Yaks Due north/A 806 minutes (13h 26m) 1442 minutes (24h 2m) 1784 minutes (29h 44m) 4032 minutes (67h 12m) 400 minutes (6h 40m) 60% 12h 32m
Dragons 1008 minutes (16h 48m) 1512 minutes (25h 12m) 3024 minutes (50h 24m) 4536 minutes (75h 36m) 10080 minutes (168h = i calendar week) 1000 minutes (16h 40m) eighty% 22h 32m

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Selling [edit | edit source]

Last updated on nineteen:24:37, 28 February 2022 (UTC). Click here to purge.
Buyer Concluding spawned (agone) Next spawn
Pocket-size February 28 2022 00:00 UTC March 01 2022 00:00 UTC
Medium February 28 2022 00:00 UTC March 02 2022 00:00 UTC
Large February 27 2022 00:00 UTC March 02 2022 00:00 UTC

Selling quantity:

  • Small - 12 every day
  • Medium - 8 every two days
  • Big - vi every three days
Animals Growth stage
100% (base value)

[net gain if bought from shop]

Small Rabbit N/A 5 25 21 eighteen
Chicken four 8 forty [15] 34 28
Chinchompa North/A 50 250 213 175
Medium Sheep Northward/A sixteen 80 [50] 68 56
Spider 25 50 250 213 175
Zygomite N/A 187 850 722 595
Large Cow N/A 34 170 [70] 144 119
Yak N/A 187 750 638 525
Dragon 200 400 two,000 i,700 1,400

Gathered produce [edit | edit source]

Every time one of your animals grow, you lot can gather its produce for items and Farming experience. The feel from harvesting is non affected by Double XP Live, simply it is afflicted by bonus experience and information technology volition fill up Farming urns.

Creature Farming experience Produce
Egg to baby Infant to adolescent Boyish to adult Adult to elderberry Total XP to elderberry XP/hr of growth[d 1]
Rabbit N/A l 87.5 112.5 250 250 two Rabbit teeth[d 2]
1 Rabbit human foot (rare)[d 2]
Rooster[d 3] 125 187.5 375 562.five 1,250 300 10 Plume
Hen[d 3] x Plumage
i Egg
Chinchompa N/A iii,000 v,250 6,750 15,000 357.xiv ten Chinchompa or Skillchompa[d 4]
2 Chinchompa residue
xx,000 Coins[d 5]
Sheep North/A 125 218.75 281.25 625 312.5 3 Wool[d half-dozen]
Spider[d 3] 1,000 1,500 3,000 4,500 x,000 400 ii Spider fangs
3 Spider silk
2 Spider venom[d 7]
Zygomite N/A eight,000 14,000 18,000 twoscore,000 476.19 two Zygomite fruits
2 Mort myre mucus[d 8]
two Mycelial webbing[d 9]
3 Morchella mushroom spores[d 10]
Balderdash N/A 500 875 1,125 2,500 416.67 2 Bull horns
i Cowhide
Moo-cow 1 Cowhide
one Saucepan of milk[d 11]
Yak N/A half-dozen,500 11,375 fourteen,625 32,500 483.63[d 12] 2 Yak milk[d 13]
2 Yak tufts
1 Yak hide
2 Hairs
Dragon[d 3] 10,000 xv,000 30,000 45,000 100,000 595.23 ii Dragonhide[d fourteen]

This table does not accept animal traits or master farmer outfit bonuses into business relationship.

  1. ^ Each stage of growth has the same xp/hr of growth rate. Later stages of growth have longer expect times and bigger xp drops, merely the rate per hour is the same.
  2. ^ a b Only from rellekkan cream rabbit or piscatorian cottontail rabbit.
  3. ^ a b c d Animals do not give items on the first growth stage if they come up from an egg.
  4. ^ Chinchompa or skillchompa of the respective breed: grayness chinchompa, red chinchompa, cobalt skillchompa, viridian skillchompa, azure skillchompa, crimson skillchompa or crystal skillchompa.
  5. ^ Only golden chinchompa.
  6. ^ Wool of the respective breed: wool, black wool, summerdown wool, springsheared wool, winterwold wool or fallfaced wool.
  7. ^ From fever, giant, corpse, ice, and araxyte spiders.
  8. ^ From gloomshroom zygomites.
  9. ^ From zanarian and arcspore zygomites.
  10. ^ From zanarian zygomites.
  11. ^ Milk of the corresponding cow breed: milk, chocolatey milk, strawberry milk or vanilla milk.
  12. ^ Does not announced to strictly follow constant xp/h given values on main page. Value given for average xp/h.
  13. ^ Simply from female Fremennik yak.
  14. ^ Dragonhide of the respective coloured dragon: green dragonhide, blue dragonhide, ruddy dragonhide or blackness dragonhide.

Considerations regarding beans vs experience [edit | edit source]

The highest charge per unit of beans is obtained by selling an adolescent animate being. Should a role player decide to grow an animal further, (upwards to elderberry) for experience, the rate of experience is as follows

Animal Experience gained (from adolescent to elder) Beans lost Exp/Edible bean
Rabbit 400 vii 57.14
Craven 1875 12 156.25
Chinchompa 24000 75 320
Sheep 1812.v 24 75.52
Spider 15000 75 200
Zygomite 64000 255 251
Cow 4000 51 78.43
Yak 52000 225 231.11
Dragon 150000 600 250

Feeding [edit | edit source]

Fauna Food
Seeds Vegetables Fruits Flowers Mushrooms Meat Fish Insects[notation 1]
Rabbits Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Chickens Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Chinchompas[note ii] Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Sheep X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Spiders Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Zygomites X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Cows X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Yaks X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg
Dragons X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg
  1. ^ Is only used at the Ranch Out of Time
  2. ^ Any items added to an empty trough in a chinchompa pen volition become variety mush, which but chinchompas consume. Notwithstanding, if a specific type of mush is present when chinchompas are added to the pen, it tin can safely be removed or topped up without becoming variety mush. The chinchompas volition eat the specific mush.

Disease [edit | edit source]

Underlined symptoms betoken that the symptom is not unique to the disease. If you get an underlined response, you should monitor a dissimilar body part.

Illness Symptoms
Caput Optics Legs and feet Tum
  • The animal keeps making noises at embarrassing moments, making it difficult to investigate.
  • The brute'south breath smells oddly like socks.
  • The gums appear to be a little sore.
  • There are some nasty looking marks along the gum line.
  • You tin can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The brute'southward optics seem normal.
  • You can't seem to spot annihilation immediately obvious.
  • The animal'due south feet are a trivial soggy for some reason.
  • The animal's anxiety are faintly chewed on.
  • The animal's feet seem a little scuffed.
  • The animal's feet seem fine.
  • Y'all can't seem to spot annihilation immediately obvious.
  • The animal doesn't announced to be in gastronomic distress.
  • The creature has a chip of gas, but nothing too concerning.
  • The animal'due south emissions smell strangely of shoes.
  • The animal'due south stomach appears to be a little swollen.
  • You tin't seem to spot annihilation immediately obvious.
  • The fauna appears to exist suffering from a minor fever.
  • The animal coughs in your face up.
  • The animal sneezes in your face.
  • The animal's jiff smells deeply unpleasant.
  • You can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The optics are a little bloodshot.
  • You can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The creature's feet are damp.
  • The animal'south feet are very sweaty.
  • The animal's anxiety are very warm to the touch.
  • The animal'south feet seem fine.
  • You can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The animal appears to exist suffering from nausea.
  • The animal doesn't announced to be in gastronomic distress.
  • The creature has a bit of gas, but nothing also concerning.
  • The animate being seems off its food.
  • You can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The beast occasionally mumbles something in a linguistic communication it tin can't perchance speak.
  • The animal's jiff smells faintly of sulphur.
  • The creature'southward nose is lumpy, similar it'southward grown warts.
  • There is a faint lite deep within the animal's throat.
  • Y'all can't seem to spot annihilation immediately obvious.
  • The animal's eyes are a little bloodshot.
  • The creature'due south optics are faintly glowing.
  • The creature'southward eyes are filled with uncharacteristic malice.
  • The brute's eyes seem a little glazed over.
  • Yous can't seem to spot annihilation immediately obvious.
  • The animal's feet are faintly chewed on.
  • The creature's feet are tapping to a strange rhythm. Information technology'due south unsettling.
  • The creature's feet seem a fiddling scuffed.
  • The fauna'southward anxiety seem fine.
  • Y'all tin can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The animate being doesn't appear to be in gastronomic distress.
  • The animal has a fleck of gas, but nothing too apropos.
  • The animate being seems off its food.
  • The beast'due south stomach is making strange noises, like there's something singing inside there.
  • You can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
Dry olfactory organ
  • The animal's nose is very dry out.
  • The fauna refuses to let you lot see its olfactory organ, it seems like the olfactory organ is quite sore.
  • The creature's optics seem fine.
  • Y'all can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The animal's feet seem fine.
  • Yous can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The animal doesn't announced to be in gastronomic distress.
  • The animal has a bit of gas, but nil also concerning.
  • You lot can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
Os rattle
  • The beast's nose seems fine.
  • The animate being's breath smells normal, which is to say horrible.
  • The animal's teeth click in a sinister mode.
  • The gums announced to be good for you.
  • You lot can't seem to spot annihilation immediately obvious.
  • The animal's eyes seem fine.
  • You tin't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The creature's legs click equally it walks.
  • The animate being'south legs seem a little stiff.
  • The animal appears to be shivering, but has no temperature.
  • The brute doesn't announced to be in gastronomic distress.
  • The animal has a scrap of gas, simply nothing too concerning.
  • The beast's trunk is making a weird clicking noise.
  • Yous tin can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
Wooting cough
  • The brute coughs equally yous try and examine it.
  • The animate being coughs loudly in a 'hu hu huuu' manner.
  • The fauna's breath smells normal.
  • The animal's nose seems fine.
  • You tin can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.
  • The fauna'due south eyes are a petty bittersweet.
  • The animal's eyes are filled with mirth, more mirth than normal.
  • The animal'south eyes continue darting effectually the place with a sense of wonder.
  • The animate being is a piddling unsteady on its feet.
  • The fauna's legs seem fine.
  • The animal coughs regularly.
  • The animal doesn't appear to be in gastronomic distress.
  • The animal has a bit of gas, merely nothing besides concerning.
  • The animate being's body is slightly swollen.
  • You can't seem to spot anything immediately obvious.

Useful traits for breeding [edit | edit source]

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Useful traits for convenance
Trait name Summary Description Trait is available in slot
i 2 three
Radiant Shiny +5% shiny chance This animal is practically shining. X mark.svg X mark.svg Yes check.svg
Glistening Shiny +3% shiny chance This animal is more likely to produce shiny offspring. X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Sparkling Shiny +2% shiny chance There's something almost "shiny" about this animal. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Skillful Convenance Increased gamble of dissimilar breed from parent. Does non work for whatever chinchompas. Dragon offspring are of equal or higher tier thousand. greenish dragons tin can produce blue, but blueish dragons cannot produce green. This animal carries some rare breed ancestry in its genetics. X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Strong Genes This brute is more likely to produce offspring of the same breed. Increased chance of same brood equally parent. Conflicts with Good Breeding. X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Genetic Instability Multi-trait++ The unusual genetics in this animal means its offspring are more than probable to have multiple traits. X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Genetic Mutation Multi-trait+ The unusual nature of this animal means its offspring are more likely to accept multiple traits. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Charmed Happy+
This animal is happier and healthier than other animals X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Blithesome Happy++ This animal is nigh always happy. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Jovial Happy+ This animal always sees the glass as half total. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg
Immune Healthy++ This brute is practically immune to affliction. X mark.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Robust Healthy+ This animal is more resistant to illness. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg
Studly Breeding++ This animal has a much higher breeding chance than other animals. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Virile Breeding+ This fauna has a higher breeding chance than some others. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg X mark.svg
Frost Breath Shiny unlock (Dragons only) A breeding pair of dragons with Frost Jiff and Poisonous Jiff and Shock Breath between them allows for a Royal Dragon to exist bred. Does not increment base chance for Shiny offspring. Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Poisonous Jiff Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg
Stupor Breath Yes check.svg Yes check.svg Yes check.svg

Animals can accept ane to three traits on birth. There is a 0.1% chance (i/k) for players to receive rare "shiny" animals from breeding. Sparkling (+2% shiny chance Trait Slot 1/2/3), Glistening (+three% shiny chance Slot 2/iii), and Radiant (+5% shiny chance Slot iii) traits replaces the base 0.1% take a chance. All traits stack, then a perfect pair of parents would provide 10% shiny run a risk per nativity. Whatever shiny traits on the offspring also adds to the chance. An offspring with Sparkling/Glistening/Radiant on elevation of perfect parents would have a fifteen% risk of being shiny.

For Royal Dragons, since they require the three breaths on the parents equally well as the child being built-in blackness, accept an extra 5% base run a risk naturally. A perfect pair of adult or elderberry blackness dragons (Breath1/Breath2/Radiant vs Breath3/Glistening/Radiant) would have a total of eleven.v% shiny take a chance. This becomes 16.5% if the offspring is born with Sparkling/Glistening/Radiant.

Shiny animals have a different advent to regular ones when older than the baby stage; the word 'Shiny!' appears on the 4th line beneath Gender when mouse-over merely in the inventory or banking concern; not in the pen. They give +x% more than Farming experience as they are raised, and when sold to the heir-apparent, count every bit a "wildcard" for the buyers' preferred brood. 'Shiny!' animals practice not assist breed more shiny animals; they must accept one of the shiny traits in club to do and so.

You tin can boost the breeding chance by using the farming perk totems on small pens with elderberry rabbits in them. The master farmer outfit gives a improve chance of positive traits from breeding. To keep track of all the breeds yous take already nerveless, you can get to Granny's faithful companion, Sam the sheepdog, or take the breeding log book from the table and check the status at any fourth dimension.


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